All IP addresses of CERNET2 regional IX at Guangxi Normal University
All IP ranges of all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and organizations with dedicated IP ranges.
Link to your report: IP ranges of CERNET2 regional IX at Guangxi Normal University
2001:250:3400::/48 2001:250:3402::/47 2001:250:3404::/48 2001:250:340a::/48 2001:250:340e::/47 2001:250:3415::/48 2001:250:3416::/48 2001:250:341a::/47 2001:250:3420::/47 2001:250:3422::/48 2001:250:3427::/48 2001:250:342a::/48 2001:250:342c::/48 2001:250:342e::/48 2001:250:3430::/48 2001:250:3433::/48 2001:250:343a::/47 2001:250:344d::/48 2001:250:3452::/48 2001:da8:c5::/48 240c:ce83::/32 240c:ce84::/32 240c:ce89::/32